Spam tagged me to share ten honest things about me... Let's see how long this takes me to do while Chris and I watch Hero's.. it's no 11.21pm.
1. Like Cami, my favorite house chore is laundry. (is that something from childhood that I don't know about? maybe cause it was the only thing we weren't told to do?) I LOVE the smell of clothes right out of the dryer, it's the best smell...ever.
2. Everyday I think how incredibly lucky (or blessed, whichever way you want to look at it) that I ended up in random location of Virginia and met my best friend...aka, the hubby. He's my favorite person in the world. And it amazes me everyday how good he is to me. His parents raised him fabulously.
3. I bite my nails too. While I'm watching intense parts of movies or when I get to boring parts in books.
4. When I walk into Target, I want to buy so much crap it's ridiculous and I justify that want in my mind by thinking "One day I'll have a lot of money and I'll buy what I want." Then I come home and see how much stuff I actually do own and think..."hmm...so where would I put anything else anyways? I'm retarded. but I still want more stuff" don't judge, I'll admit I'm worldy:)
5. When i'm gone from home for more then 3 hours at a time I sometimes get way too anxious to get back as soon as I can so Kelso isn't alone too long. It breaks my heart thinking of him waiting for Chris and me. It sounds pathetic, but I love my dog he's my best mini friend.
6. I like to think that I know what our baby girl will be like from the way she moves around in my belly. She's super mellow, she'll always kick Chris back when he pushes my stomache, and it never hurts when she does kick, she ends up tickling me more then anything. So I just assume she'll be this super funny, calm, daddy's girl who likes her space type babe. Watch, she'll be super loud and crazy. :) We'll still love her.
7. I wanted to be a Blue Angels pilot when I was 16. I thought it'd be awesome to fly jets. still do actually.
8. I get embarassed when I admit to people that I love watching Grey's Anatomy cause it's such a chick drama. But it is seriously the most entertaining show to me.
9. I've had nightmares that all my siblings have died because of me. I looked up what they meant on the dream dictionary: apparently, it means I miss that person. I believe it. I always believe the dream dictionary for my dreams.
10. When I was in Kindergarten I had a dream that I married a tall, blue eyed man. and hey, what do you know? I did!
it's now 11.56pm. guess it was a little faster then I thought i'd be. I tag (if they want to)....Hailey, Caitlin, Mom and Dad Vial, Chelle and...well whoever else is interseted and wants to share some stuff about themselves.
ps. Hero's is better this season.