We decided to go to AMC where she was born since the hospital in the town next to us had recently shut down the maternity ward and we had been told by a Dr. that if she did get sick it's better to take her to Augusta instead. Chris raced us up there (45 minutes away) in no time at all (of course, it's speedy Chris). She was so misserable it was awful. She threw up some more and of course right when we got there she stopped, but was still so lathargic it was really weirding me and Chris out. She held so still for the nurses and just spralled on the bed. It was cute, but we knew she still wasn't over it if she was being that still.
The nurses and Dr. were great with her, gave her a little dose of medicine and she perked right back up to hyper Zur. She fell into a nice deep sleep on the drive home and is snoozin away again.

Chris took this picture on his phone and I just thought it was too cute to not post immediately. Check out that bed head! (and her diaper takes up half her tank body!)
That's the random update, thank goodness for modern medicine, a great husband and a fast car! She's doing much better and hopefully she'll be back to crazy happy Zuri soon.