Tomorrow I'm going to the National Art Museum in D.C. with the art students at SVU. It's required of course, but it is an awesome museum, I recommend going there for sure. Only thing is, it's my first trip to D.C. without Chris, and that means without Zuri too. It's the longest I've been away from the little munchkin, and I'm a little worried. I shouldn't at all, Chris and her will have a blast together tomorrow and have some serious daddy-daughter time, but I'm a mom, and what does a mom do without her baby?
Any suggestions on how to cope? I guess I'll be mostly distracted all day doing art sheesh, but any words of advice/wisdom/tips etc by the pro moms' out there would be great.

Meanwhile! Zuri was up on the couch while I was sitting on the floor playing on the computer and this is what she started doing to me, i couldn't stop laughing it was so funny, she was rolling everywhere.
Hope everyone is good!
This might sound weird, but your eyebrows are perfect in that last picture. Holy cow!
haha, they do look a little freakishly perfect. definitely are not in real life.
haha, well I guess puking was a good distraction for you. Sorry you both are sickies, I hope you are all fine and dandy soon. Oh, and what is this sickness you guys have in case Caleb gets it so I can tell the doc?
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