This is a long one, so if you don't feel like reading about stuff that probably has no importance to your life you can click out and I won't even feel bad.

I am always sad when people don't update their blogs all the time and here I am being that person who has disappeared for a bit. And not like anyone has a life anyways so everyone should post daily,right? haha, aren't I funny?
So yesterday was a thinker day for me (I know, shocking). We will start my little story with the morning. Zuri and I went to the midwives up in Augusta to check out Zur's newest little sibling. Yup, 8 weeks and 5 days (give or take). The little olive (named for size not actual name, although now that I think about it I kind of like it) has an excellent heart beat and moved a bit, but not nearly as much as Zuri's first ultrasound, I'm hoping that this trait carries through cause from what I've noticed with siblings their babies are more chill. NOT that I don't love Zuri's energy, obviously look how many videos I do of the kid. Chris wasn't able to come up, but Zur was good company and she did much better then I thought she might being moved room to room and not being held constantly when someone new would come in the room. I was thinking a target trip would be fun after, but it was way past her nap time by the time we left and I had my blood test so we opted out instead for a BBQ sandwich (very tasty) a few sips of milk and she was out cold. It was cute.
This long drive home (45 minutes, geez. luckily the speed limit recently got changed from 65 to 70 mph, thank you VA) is where I bring you to my second notable moment of the day. I started thinking about babies of course and my siblings and how cute their babies are and how cute the rest of the Hardy and Vial babies will be. Then I realized how grown up we all are. Then I started thinking about my big brothers and how I miss them. It was weird, but I really missed them thinking about it all. (of course I miss the rest of my family too don't feel bad guys.)
My big bros are awesome, and great guys. Kj's name (Kyncade) has already been given to one kid in my fam, but we have the name Yancee on reserve if we ever have a boy and feel he is worthy of the name...and of course if it's not taken by someone else first. They were awesome boys to play with as a kid, they were always hilarious and mine and Cami's heros. Kj loved doing circus games and building blanket forts that took up two huge rooms in our house, he was pro. And Yancee was the best with pets and finding random creatures to adopt (sometimes much to my parents dismay). Then this brought me to my next though, I talk about siblings a lot on my blog, mostly my sister, Spam, and both our mama's. But I rarely explain who is who and Chris and I are surrounded by many sibs. Unless you are very close to us or you are part of us then you probably don't really get why I think certain people are so wonderful. So I have decided to do a little debrief of the fams. More for my enjoyment I suppose, but if you like the info then fabulous.
The Hardy folk:
Dad: A complete nut case and hilarious. He's the center of most of our family story telling simply because he gets a kick out of how funny he is which is even more funny. He's a cool guy.
Mama: no longer only titled 'mom' once Cami coined her 'mama' I don't know if I can call her just mom now. She's my sweet mama. Has adopted my first pup, Pippin, and is a homemaker at heart but one hard workin woman and she rocks at both.
Yancee: He's the military man of the fam (aside from dad)He's currently stationed in Iraq (not in harms way thank goodness) He's be big bad rough and tough dude with the sweetest, kindest heart you'll find. He has a little fellow, Adryan who is now 6? 5? he's grown up...who lives with his mom, Rocio in Miami. He married his wifey, Kimmy (living in Utah) in 06' and they had their first babe last August (right?) Carstyn. I haven't met him yet, but I hear he is one chill kid. Kimmy and I have been friends since we were 16, we have had many fun adventures together. I miss her.
Kyncade: Aka, the KJ. He's the tall one, 6'7". I like to tell people about him cause they can't believe someone as short as me and as tall as him came from the same gene pool. It's true. I always wanted to hang out with him and his cool cat friends when I was young, but of course I wasn't cool enough :) Then we discovered after his mish that we had the exact same music love and we have shared tunes every since. He married his wifey, Courtney (the court court) three months after Chris and I (although they knew each other much better and for longer then Chris and I did :)) Court and I go way back as well. We played lacrosse together in HS and lived together in Long Beach. She's the cute blonde of the fam and is a bundle of energy and drive. We also had many funny times together.
Camden: (Spam/Cami) She's the wonderful big sis to everyone. She jokes that she couldn't wait for KJ and Yance to get married so she could finally have an older sister...then they married ladies my age. Spam will always be the wisest and most experienced of the Hardy women though. She married Tyson in 06' and they now have little Josh and Caleb and numero three on the way. She's due about 5 days before me. We really haven't planned the same pregnancies, but somehow they have happened twice now. You hear all about her all the time so I feel she needs little explanation on how awesome she is.
then there is me...
Chanson: (Chanz) he's the newest member of the SVU following and Chris' bromance buddy for Zombie movies. He's the Connan look alike and has taken a recent love for swing dance and piano. It's very cool to see him grow up here with us....although a lot of that is taking my car and using the gas... He's still cool.
Ammon; (Chubby). He was the rolly polly baby of the family with the giant brown eyes and cute little freckles. Low and behold he's now taller then me and more buff. I feel the nick name may be dying and it makes me sad. He's the character of the family, like dad he makes us all laugh constantly with his voices and acting out made up characters.
Carmel: (mellie) Sweet little Carmel. Cami and I claim we raised her cause mom was so exhausted with the rest of us. Of course mom did her mothering with her, we just had a nice bond with our baby sis. She's the tall skinny girl of the fam and is just as boy crazy as I was at 13. (yikes) She is one of Chris' favorites just because she's so genuine with everyone. She's also the best with all the babies.
So that's my fam. It's not nearly as huge as Chris' family (as you will soon see in Part II) but I love them all and I miss the ones who aren't here with us.
Today: we had a couple come look out the house ( they may be interested for buying in May) which gave me an excuse to take a whole lot of hours the past three days and seriously clean our horse. I like to think I do ok with keeping the house tidy and cleaning the toilets, but some good hard cleaning is not always the easiest to come by. (like all busy and not busy mama's know) I was able to clean after Zur went to bed Wed and Thurs, but today I had to get some stuff done. I thought it'd be quick, but low and behold two hours later I am still sweeping, mopping and scrubbing and I find Zuri sucking on the toilet cleaner. Awesome. It was locked thank goodness, but the kid thought it was funny! Guess I'll be locking the cleaning cabinet to keep her from thinking poison is candy.
Well, wow. I apparently can't stop tonight. Here are some pictures to make the gabbing less annoying. I have more videos of the Zur to post, but I am waiting to film a new trick she does with the anti-draft door blocker (what the heck is the right name for that?)
These are the photos'
Brinn took for us a few months back and I can't believe how much Zuri's hair has grown since then! (Kelso's too come to think of it)