A few weeks ago we did a little trip to downtown Portland. It's such a fun city. We haven't spent much time there yet, so this was a good little trip. It's been 'hot' here. Hot to me, but nothing compared to the past three summers we experienced in VA. There is a city fountain that we thought Zuri might like. Wrong, the girl is so prissy about cold water that she freaked out when Chris took her in. It's true, she's my kid. It was really fun to watch people though and the fountain is beautiful.

Our bare foot wonder who refuses to wear shoes. ever.

I have kicked into a severe case of nesting. I painted a little kid chair we had on our porch (where did that come from anyway?) my entry coat hanger/shoe area, and now I'm on a mission to paint our bathroom tonight. I scrubbed Zuri's car seat this morning. That was long over due, wow. Those things get disgusting. Fridge and washer and dryer are all nice and clean. I've been using up old fabric. Made a bouquet of t-shirt roses from my old band t-shirts that I couldn't part with, but didn't know what to do with. Problem solved! Recovered some pillows and made some curtains. I can't stop all morning and then suddenly I realize how exhausted I am and I don't do much more production the rest of the day besides cooking. I think I'm psyching myself out for having two kids and not being able to do as much at first. Shoot, at least my house is clean now.
That brings me to Zur. she is so big. I haven't reported on her in awhile. Gasp! How could I do such a thing when this blog is basically all about her?!
She turned 20 months on the 23rd. How insane. She's gotten very strong and coordinated. She dances around and spins until she can't move anymore which is always funny to watch. She's 'talking' a lot more. I can barely understand some words so I can only imagine what she sounds like to other people when she starts chatting. So far I can get 'milk,' 'cookie,' 'uh oh,' 'woof woof,' 'water,' 'beep beep,' 'love you.'....and others. She is a little artists as well. I had to hide all forms of drawing objects cause she began to figure out that drawing on everything is so dang fun. We got her a chalk board and figured chalk was a safer more washable bet...she still draws on everything. Whatever, she's a kid and should enjoy it. Although yesterday she got two wipes out and went around cleaning up all the marks she could see around that I hadn't gotten. yup, definitely my kid. I'm so proud.
Here is something funny, she's taken up binky's. Yeah, remember when she refused them and would scream every time we tried to put one in her mouth to get her to sleep? It's my fault really. She started chewing her nails so bad and when she had her sippy cup she'd chew the tip tell it broke, which was kind of annoying cause then milk and water would get all over the place before I noticed what went down. I just gave her a bink one day to get her to chew on something else and now she loves it. Luckily she's not too addicted, I didn't let her have it for nap or bed yesterday and she did just fine. Let's just say I reserve it for her chewing outbursts. (does that make her sound like a puppy?)
She's getting so beautiful and grown up. Yesterday it struck me when I looked back at her in the car. She was sitting with her ankles crossed, sipping some water and watching the scenery go by. She's not a baby anymore and it makes me sad and proud at the same time. I do love her active self and how happy she is to just hang out with me all the time.