Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tumble, climb, and jump.

It's August. How strange. Just over Six weeks until D-Day for little Dot. We have an ultrasound scheduled for this Friday to check up on her kidney's. She moves ALL the time which makes me feel very confident that she is doing just fine.

Chris and I signed Zuri up for a gymnastics class a few months ago and it just started today. Zur was a little hesitant at first (I figured she would be, she's very much like that) but once the other kids started jumping around she went for it. I have to admit we were both tired by the end of class. The parents stay with their kids to help them up on the tramp, bars, etc. It was good exercise for me too!

I liked how the teacher didn't just let the kids jump around and do whatever. The gym had individual obstacle courses that we would go through which made it very structured for learning new moves with the little bodies. (bear crawls up walls were my favorite). I am impressed with how strong little kids really are.

Out of 5 or 6 other kids there was only 1 other girl in the class! I was surprised, but Zuri kept right up with everyone even though almost all were a bit older. I was very proud of my bug.

Her mouth looks so huge showing off her grill. two more teeth to go and all her bitters are in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gymnastics!! Little Zuri!? That is so cute! You have to video it somehow, I can only imagine. I wish I was there. Give her a big hug from me and tell her Aunt Cami is so proud!