Tuesday, October 26, 2010

because it's awesome

I absolutely love this commercial, I can't stop laughing when I see it. Thanks hp marketing folks. I would buy your printer if I had the cash flow.


paula said...

Really we think of Zuri everytime this comes on!!!
Just sens a picture and Zuri goes for a ride....

Chris and Emily said...

Personally, I think it's borderline creepy, but in the end, cuteness wins.

Caitlin said...

Every time this comes on I always tell Nate I don't get it and he just looks at me funny... What does she say at the end? Maybe that's my problem, that or I'm just dumb :)

Christian and Kennebec Vial said...

not dumb, I could never hear it until I saw it online. it's "now lets send one to aunt...." somethin like that. I just think the kids face is fantastic.

Courtney said...
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Courtney said...

that one is sweet! i like that one too. have you seen this geico one:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWj6fh-IJ5Q ? Kyncade and I laughed for three minutes straight when we saw it. :)