Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The lovely view from the yard.

If you know Chris and I well enough then you know we have never done family home evening. Shameful, we know. As much as my parents tried to make FHE happen every week when I was home it ended up being a nice big fight fest with each other. (It's hard to get that many people to enjoy being around each other when they have other things they want to do. By that I mean me, I was a terrible culprit against Monday nights. I'm awful)

This means that I've never really considered doing FHE with my own little family. Here's how it happened. I saw a commercial with someone eating a s'more. hmm....s'mores. Who doesn't love a good fire roasted treat? Chris said we should do that for family time in our own fire pit in our yard (got one of those now, sweet!)

It started with me being grouchy (by grouchy I mean a total evil pregnant woman) so I guess it started off like it did in the old days, but once Chris got the fire going and Zuri was running around with Kelso and his new buddy Paisley we were ship shape.

I definitely didn't plan a little lesson or anything, but gotta start somewhere right?

A recent face
Kelso and Paisley
The same reaction to 'smile"
Having a small airport right next to us makes for up close landings/take offs
She towed this marshmallow around all night without taking one bite.
Guacamole chip-face


Caitlin said...

How cute! and by that I mean our dogs :) I love that they are best friends my mom has a little dog and it HATES Paisley.

Unknown said...

Good job with FHE! Smores sound super yummy and so fun! Our FHE's are like Family Home 10 minutes, we sing popcorn popping and talk about sharing or prayer or something for like 10 seconds and read a scripture. It isn't intense, but it is something. :) I love the pictures!