Friday, March 11, 2011


Here's something funny Chris discovered Zuri does. She talks in her sleep. last night she said a perfect "cheese" while sound asleep cuddling with Chris. Well, at least her dreams are nice and happy.

She also has taken to people a bit more. She says hello to random people in the store, and at least for some of them they love it.

Uncle Chanson is a new crazy fun play time friend. She was going insane laughing because of him tonight, it was awesome.

She LOVES pillows and blankets. If I even touch one she'll try to take it away. Rude? yes. Funny? totally. So I made her a little baby pillow tonight for her to play with. I'm super excited about it and although it only took me like 10 minutes to make I feel like a real mom for sewing her something.

Wish us luck. Within the next month Chris and I:

Have both our senior papers due.
Senior show has to be done. umm.. yikes. (although it is going in a better direction then I had originally though)
Chris is working on a bunch of projects right now so lets just hope they all come together for him.

What Chris did this Spring Break:
Drove to Richmond twice (to take my bro and his friends on the first leg of their fun S-week Philly trip)
Tore out and put in a new kitchen floor. It looks so awesome, I love it much much more then the old nasty stuff.
He recruited Chans and his friends to help him paint trim in the downstairs. It's in the process still, but it looks sooo much better.

What I've done this Spring Break:
Kept Zuri out of the way of the projects. We've had lots of fun together, although I feel a bit useless when it comes to helping, but keeping little mitts off new paint apparently is helpful.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

you two are super productive! hoorah! i love that zurb said "cheese" while sleeping--trying to imagine it makes me laugh.
good luck with everything that is coming up this month! you can do it!!! i can't believe how fast this semester is flying by--before you know it you will be wearing a graduation gown and all the papers, tests, and senior show sheesh will be behind you. loves! -court